Sunday Story…Recap Day 2

John Mariotti • September 21, 2024

A shirtless man is walking in a gym with the number 9 on the floor

I am starting the day in a great position; 5 th overall but today has 3 very tough workouts. We are starting with a real grinder…75 wall balls, 40 DB shoulder to overhead, 30 DB box stepovers, 40 DB alternating DB snatches, and 75 Wall balls. Right out of the gate, I’m in trouble. My heart rate spikes as I get into the wall balls, and my judge is no repping me relentlessly. I ended up doing probably 90 wall balls to get 75. Not ideal, that’s for sure. My hip’s on fire and getting worse. Double DB box stepovers aren’t helping either. I hit the snatches hard, got back somehow to the wall balls, and got time capped out after 6 more wallballs. I finished in 11 th . Not only is this not my expected finish but I may have damaged my hip.

The second workout is 24.6…accumulate 75 calories on the Echo bike after doing 30 double unders and 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups. The catch is you must do 4 minutes, rest 1 minute, 3 minutes, rest 1 minute, and then 2 minutes to finish. As my regular readers know my double unders have been a sore spot for several years, more so now with my hip lit up. In the first round, I had to go with the single-double. I did get 20 unbroken so that was good, just slow. About 3 minutes into that 4-minute round I see a judge’s hand go up indicating someone is 5 calories away from 75! WTF. He finished before the 4 minutes was up. Unfortunately for him, the judge’s call was wrong…he only had 45 (which was still way more than I had)! My doubles came back in the next 2 rounds, but I only finished with 56 calories which netted me 13 th place.

I am going to leave you in suspense here! Day 2 recap will continue next week!

John Mariotti


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