Sunday Story…The Journey to Extraordinary

John Mariotti • November 9, 2024

A neon sign that says the journey is on
Many years ago, Ellie and I were brainstorming what the vision for our CrossFit gym would be. Before there was the name, Odyssey, there was a vision. A vision of a place where everyone would find their way to their best life…their extraordinary life. As we talked, we realized that every one of us had a hero waiting to be enlivened within us. A hero who would need to live an extraordinary life to meet the demands and rigor of a life worth living.

Fitness was a sneaky way to get people started on their journey. When you begin your fitness journey, you aren’t sure of what you are capable of. When you walked through the door for the first time, you came for the fitness. Hopefully, we inspired you to do and be more than just fit.

Just as health isn’t just the absence of sickness, fitness isn’t just the absence of weakness. Health means your biomarkers are in the correct ranges. Health means you have a vibrancy that embraces life. Fitness means your body is strong and able. Fitness means you can perform both your daily functions as well as any other tasks you ask of it. Fitness is physical, mental, and emotional. If you are super physically fit and an emotional child or an angry narcissist, you aren’t fit. You’re just physically fit.

Your journey to extraordinary isn’t just physical, nor is it just mental or emotional. It is all that and more. Your journey encompasses your entire galaxy of life on this planet.

More next week.

John Mariotti





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