Perhaps, before embarking on our journey to
extraordinary, we should decide what an extraordinary journey would look like. That definition is for each of you to make. My journey is going to look
much different from yours. Where I am in my life is where I am, and you are
where you are. That being said, some principles transcend exact
times and places.
Odysseus’ extraordinary journey took him on many adventures, trials, and tribulations. His journey though had a single-minded destination…home
and hearth. He was dedicated to making his way back. What is the destination
you are dedicated to? We all talk about the importance of the journey and the
enjoyment of the process. But we can’t lose sight of where our journey is
taking us.
I posit that harmony is more important than balance.
At any point in my life, I may need to be more heavily weighted toward one
activity or another. When your children are small, they need a different type
of attention than they do when they are older or adults. The same is true of
your career. If I want to run a marathon in under 5 hours, I am going to need
to dedicate some time to training. That is different than I just want to be
able to run easily for an hour. Just as Odysseus had to stop and fight various
enemies you will need to stop and vanquish your own challenges.
But what good will running that marathon do me if I
lose my relationships and career while I’m training? I believe that would be extraordinarily
bad and something to be avoided. When we started Odyssey we wanted to be a
beacon of health and fitness. Your fitness is not just who you are physically,
mentally, or emotionally. All three must be in harmony to find health.
More next week,
John Mariotti
4202 West Lovers Lane, Dallas, Texas 75209, United States
Located in the heart of Park Cities