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CrossFit – Fri, Jan 10


Due to inclement weather, we are canceling classes Thursday evening, January 9, and Friday morning, January 10 at 5:30 AM. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit

Joints/Tens (No Measure)

Ten of each:


Back Extensions (supermans),


Air Squats,


Push Presses and

Overhead Squats


General Warm-Up

Row 1:30

Two Sets Of:

Bodyweight Good Morning x15

Reverse Lunge and Twist x12

Cuban Press x 10

Take 5-7 minutes to warm up your Deadlift for the metcon.


Diane – Strict (CFO) (Time)

Performance “Strict Diane”

Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:

225/155 lb Deadlifts

Strict Handstand Push-Ups



36 Kettlebell Swings

36 Push-Ups

24 Kettlebell Swings

24 Push-Ups

12 Kettlebell Swings

12 Push-Ups


Strength & Skill

Posterior Chain Accessory Sets (3 Rounds for weight)

3 sets (Every 2:00)

Station 1 – Barbell Hip Thrust x 6 reps @ 21X1

Station 2 – Band Pull-Aparts x 30 reps @ 1010

Station 3 – L-Sit x 60 seconds (accumulated time)

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