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CrossFit – Thu, Dec 19

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit

General Warm Up (No Measure)

500m Bike or 300m Row


3 Rounds Of

50 Foot Bear Crawl

12 Hollow Rocks

10 Single Dumbbell Thrusters/side

3-5 Jumping Negitive Pull Ups

Finish With 1 round

3-6 Strict Pull ups

4-10 Toes to Bar OR V-ups

6-12 Push Ups

10-15 Wall Ball Shots

“Invictus Baseline Interval Test” (6 Rounds for time)

Full Effort (Performance)

6 sets, each for time, starting rounds on the 5:00, of:

10 Strict Pull-Ups

15 Toes to Bar

20 Push-Ups

25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10’/9′)

Goal – finish each set in 3:30-4 minutes

Full Victory

6 sets, each for time, starting rounds on the 5:00, of:

5 Strict Pull-Ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Wall Ball Shots

20 V-Ups

Goal – finish each set in 3:30-4 minutes
Please note times for each set. You will keep these times for future comparisons, with your goal to be improved consistency across the six sets, and lower total times – the sum of your six sets times.

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