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CrossFit – Wed, Dec 4

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit

Joints/Tens (No Measure)

Joints Ten of each:


Back Extensions (supermans),


Air Squats,


Push Presses and

Overhead Squats



Two sets of:

50 Foot Monster Walk Forward

50 Foot Monster Walk Backward

10 Banded Good Mornings

10 Wide Foot Goblet Squats (light)

3 sets, adding weight each round, of:

5 Kang Squats

5 Front Squats with a 5-second bottom pause

10 Front Racked Back Step Lunges


Front Squat (6 X (2+1))

Six sets of:

Front Squat x 2.1 reps @ 85+% of 1-RM Front Squat

(perform 2 reps, rack the barbell and rest for 10-15 seconds, then finish with a single)


Three (3 sets) of:

Front Squat or Goblet Squat x 5 reps @ 32X1

Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 21X1

Prone Swimmers x 5 reps @ 4040

Hollow Rocks or Hollow Hold x 45 seconds

* Rest 45 Seconds after each


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)


Complete Three (3 sets) for times:

500/400 Meter Row

15 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)

Rest 90 seconds after each set.

Goal: Hit these hard, but aim to keep your fastest and slowest sets within 10 seconds of each other.


Complete Three (3 sets) for times:

500/400 Meter Row

15 Dumbbell Thrusters

Rest 90 seconds after each set.

Goal: Hit these hard, but aim to keep your fastest and slowest sets within 10 seconds of each other.

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