CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit
Joints/Tens (No Measure)
Ten of each:
Back Extensions (supermans),
air squats,
Push Presses and
Overhead Squats
Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry x 100m
Alternating Box Step-Up x 20 reps
Two sets of:
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 5 reps, right
Kettlebell Suitcase Carry x 50 ft, right
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 5 reps, left
Kettlebell Suitcase Carry x 50 ft, left
Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets):
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 7 – 1 rep @ 101%
*Set 8 – 1 rep @ 101-105%
Rest as needed
Build no heavier than mechanical failure. If you begin to lose positioning or proper mechanics, terminate the set immediately.
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets of each):
Station 1 – Split-Stance Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps each leg @ 4011
Station 2 – Ab-Wheel or Barbell Roll-Outs x 12-15 reps
Station 3 – Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Carry x 25 meters each arm
Tamberi (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
6 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
12 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 Calories of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings