November’s Extraordinary Athlete is Liz Hudson. Liz is mama to her sweet, awesome golden retriever, Max and she usually comes to the 4:30 class. Liz came to us from another CrossFit that closed down due to Covid, so she had a lot of previous CrossFit experience and she used to compete in Iron Man competitions. However, quarantine definitely took a toll on her fitness, so we had to buckle down and build that strength back up.
One of the things that makes Liz so awesome is how committed she is to showing up regularly and how much she clearly enjoys the workouts. She always has a smile on her face. She is excited about learning new things and working hard. She is friendly to everyone and encourages everyone to be their best. And most of all, she pushes herself incredibly hard.
Since she joined us here at CrossFit Odyssey, she has increased all her major lifts, strengthened her body, and found a new boyfriend and a new job! She has every excuse to be “too busy”. But she doesn’t let anything get in her way.
Congratulations, Liz, on your Journey To Extraordinary!
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