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MONDAY, 3/1/21

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 621 002 4813


Joints/Tens (No Measure)


Ten of each:

pushups, Back Extensions (supermans), situps, air squats, pull-ups, CORONA At-Home Workouts – SUB LUNGES, BURPEES for Push Presses and Overhead Squats

Core #9 (No Measure)

3 sets of:

Tuck-Up x 10/15/20 reps

V-Up x 10/15/20 reps

Candlestick Raises x 10/15/20 reps

One Arm/One Leg Plank x 10/15/20 reps

Hand Plank Knee-To-Armpit x 10/15/20 reps

Low Push-Up Hold x max effort

Rest as needed

Warm-up (No Measure)


One Set:

Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes

Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side

Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side

Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side

Cross Under Lunge x 1 minute per side

Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side

Two sets of:

Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps

Cossack Squats x 10 alternating reps


Back Squat (X4, 1X3, 6X2, )

Back Squat

* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%

* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%

* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%

* Sets 4-8 – 2 reps @ 90-95%

Rest 3 minutes between sets.


Three sets of:

Front-Racked Barbell Split Squats x 4-5 reps each @ 4211

Rest 60 seconds

Rear-Foot Elevated Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift x 4-5 reps each @ 6011

Rest 60 seconds

For the split squats, allow the knee to drive forward of the toes, such that your hamstring is resting atop your calf…but keep your full foot on the ground. We’re working on mobility as well as quad strength. For the Romanian deadlifts, you’ll set-up just like a Bulgarian Split Squat, but keep only a slight bend in the knee and reach down to perform a Romanian deadlift.


Nitrous (Time)

For time:

1000 Meter Row

50 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

This is a new Invictus benchmark workout that will test your ability to push the pace and hold on all the way through the finish line. Nothing complex, just a pure test of effort and pain tolerance. Enjoy!

scale with DB thrusters

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