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Saturday, 3/28/2020

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit


Joints/Tens (No Measure)


Ten of each:

pushups, Back Extensions (supermans), situps, air squats, pull-ups, CORONA – SUB LUNGES, BURPEES

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)


Grab a super friend and do this

(if you have no super friend do 1/2!)

Complete for time:

1 mile or 1600 meter run* – broken up into smaller intervals

Partner 1 may only run while Partner 2 holds one or two KBs or DBs in the front-racked position, switching hands as needed if only one. Teammates may switch from running to the static hold as frequently as theyโ€™d like, as long as no running occurs unless the partner is in a static hold. THAT MEANS – talk it out between you and see how far you want to run each interval. 400 meters (1/4 mile usually takes 90 seconds to 2:30).

If only one person, hold the weights as long as it took you to run each interval – adding up to 1/2 mile.

Rest 2 minutes


In teams of two, complete for time:

1/2 mile or 800 Meter Run (together)

then split:

120 Kettlebell Swings*

Athletes may only perform kettlebell swings while their partner holds a plank position. Teammates may switch as frequently as theyโ€™d like.

If only one person, hold the plank as long as it took you to run each interval – adding up to 1/2 mile.

Rest 2 minutes


In teams of two, complete for time:

800 Meter Run (together)

then split:

120 Push-Ups*

Athletes may only perform push-ups while their partner holds one or two KBs or DBs overhead. Teammates may switch as frequently as theyโ€™d like.

If only one person, hold the weights as long as it took you to run each interval – adding up to 1/2 mile.

***Remember your posture on this one!! Don’t slouch and don’t let your lower back sag! If your back hurts in overhead position, hold in farmer’s carry by your side.

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