CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit
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Meeting ID: 240 705 095
Password: 029486
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Joints/Tens (No Measure)
Ten of each:
pushups, Back Extensions (supermans), situps, air squats, pull-ups, CORONA At-Home Workouts – SUB LUNGES, BURPEES for Push Presses and Overhead Squats
The Kettlebell 300!! (Time)
18 different exercises
10 or 20 reps of each one… try not to put your KB down.
Time cap of 30 mminutes!
Yes, you can do this with a dumbbell.
10 Around the body swings each way
10 Halos each way
10 Good mornings x
5 Windmills each arm
10 – 1 arm swings each arm
10 Snatches each arm
10 Clean and press each arm
10 Circular clean each way
10 Squat presses each arm
10 Cossack curls each arm
10 Reverse Lunges + Press each arm
10 Deck squats
5 Reverse Turkish Get ups each arm
10 Suitcase Rows each arm
10 Crusher Press Sit ups
10 Russian Twists each way
10 Crusher Grip Push ups