CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit
Joints/Tens (No Measure)
Ten of each:
Back Extensions (supermans),
air squats,
Push Presses and
Overhead Squats
Warm-up (No Measure)
Three sets of:
5-8 Prone Walkouts
10-15 Banded Bent-Over Seasaw Rows
45-60 Second Bodyweight GHD Back Extension Hold (or Superman on Floor)
Rest as neede
Row for 3 minutes. Every 30 seconds, sprint for 5-7 strokes then resume your regular pace.
Deadlift (4×12)
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets) of:
Deadlifts x 12 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
Stand with the bar as fast as you can. Lower the bar to a dead-stop and repeat for all reps.
Two sets of:
Perform 30 seconds on each side of the following movementsโฆ
*Station 1 โ Banded Palloff Hold
*Station 2 โ Banded Lateral Monster Walk
*Station 3 โ Single-Leg Glute Bridge Hold
*Station 4 โ Side Plank Hold
*Station 5 โ Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps
Move through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take between 12-15 minutes in total.
Metcon (Time)
Five rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
12 Hang Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges (95/65 lbs)
Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
12 Kettlebell Swings
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Goblet Hold