Cash in: 3x200m with 60 sec rest
Cash outโฆ3x 25 russian twists
Basic & Performance
- snatch on the minute: 50%x1x5 min, 55%x1x5 min, 60%x1x5 min.
- clean and jerk: same as snatch
- front squat: ย 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 working to a heavy single
- good mornings to a 45 degree angle (this should be the same angle that you do your hang clean or what i call launch position. 3 sets x 5 reps. ย the last rep explode to the top position fully opening your hips. ย hang on to the bar or it will come crashing down on your back/neck/upper traps.
THEN: (if time allows)
Four sets for times of:
- Run 400 Meters
- 20 Kettlebell Swings
- Rest 90 seconds