Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (3 sets of each):
Minute 1 โ Supine Ring Rows x 8 reps @ 2111
Minute 2 โ Strict Toes to Bar x 6-8 reps @ 2110
Minute 3 โ Handstand Hold x 30-45 second
Minute 4 โ L-Sit (or L-Sit progression) x 30-40 seconds
Minute 5 โ Ring Dips x 8-10 reps @ 1111
For max reps:
3 Minutes of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
3 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups or L-Seated DB Presses
3 Minutes of Rowing (or Assault Bike)
3 Minutes of Stationary Dips
3 Minutes of Push-Ups”