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Amy and Ryan Barker ~ February’s Extraordinary Athletes

Every February in honor of Valentines I like to choose a couple who loves to workout together to be my Extraordinary Athletes of the month and this year that Extraordinary Couple is Amy and Ryan Barker. Ryan and Amy don’t always come together, but they usually do, and they don’t always partner up together in partner WODs, but they usually do. They both prefer the 6:30 pm class and the Saturday morning 10 am class, where they often work as partners. Amy and Ryan are coming up on their two year wedding anniversary and they have been with us at CrossFit Odyssey for about a year and a half. Many people say that the couple who works out together stays together, so I like to think we keep them strong in lots of ways! 

Since the two of them started coming they have improved in many ways. Shy, quiet Amy has become stronger and more confident. When she began she was scared to jump onto a tiny box. We started her with small plates and worked our way up and she is actually jumping on boxes now! The thing I love to watch most about Amy is her beautiful posture and her long, straight back when she rows. Ryan was the opposite in many ways. He had obviously worked out before and was very strong and had done a lot of weightlifting. His greatest accomplishments since he began include strengthening his midline and improving his technique so that he moves heavier weights more easily and his risk of injury is decreased. He has also become much better at a lot of gymnastics movements such as handstand pushups and muscle-ups.

Best of all, Amy and Ryan are a super sweet couple, always dedicated, coachable and encouraging to everyone around them. Congratulations Ryan and Amy on your Journey to Extraordinary!


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