Sandeep Sadhwani is September’s Extraordinary Athlete. Sandeep is a husband to his beautiful wife, Sangeeta and father to two girls, Serah and Samara, who both go to St. Monica’s and he takes care of his special needs brother full time. To say the least, he has a full schedule, but he has worked really hard to make time to take care of himself by showing up, learning and giving his best at CrossFit! Sandeep has been with CrossFit Odyssey since October of 2016 – almost two years! He has made huge strides over time, but recently he has really kicked it into gear and taken off!
When Sandeep first started CrossFit he just wanted to get stronger and look better. Over the years he has focused on lots of different aspects of CrossFit – strength, mobility, gymnastics – and now all of it is coming together and he is able to do things he only dreamed of when he first began. For a while, he was having trouble with his back and with his knees. We dropped the weight he was lifting significantly and worked on his core strength. We recently started lifting heavier weights again and his numbers are getting better and better. Regarding his knees, we tried a few different mobility fixes and we discovered that he is actually hyper-mobile (too flexible), so we made a few simple changes and now he is literally the example we use for how some things should be done. Recently Sandeep achieved his first ever strict pullup! But, to make it even more impressive, once he figured that out it only took him a few weeks before he had 10 pullups! His next goal is to get that impressive all-coveted muscle-up! And to top it all off, he got his first kick-up into a handstand and is now working on negatives so that he can finally attain a strict handstand pushup.
You guys, this is slow and steady work on the little things that build up to create big things. Sandeep has a full-time job, lots of family responsibilities, he travels for work and he even goes back to India for much of the summer every year. Yet, he still manages to show up as regularly as he can manage and make the real changes he needs to make to attain the goals he has set for himself. And, in case you didn’t notice, his goals changed from worrying more about the way he looks to worrying more about what he can DO. Once he focused on performance, the look came naturally. Funny how that works.
Congratulations Sandeep on earning the Extraordinary Athlete for the monthย of September! We are all so proud of you!