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CrossFit – Tue, Oct 18

CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit


Joints/Tens (No Measure)


Ten of each:


Back Extensions (supermans),


air squats,


Push Presses and

Overhead Squats
“Assault Bike Gears Warm-up”

Assault Bike x 60 seconds nasal breathing only @70-75% effort

Assault Bike x 60 seconds, inhale through nose, exhale through mouth @ 80-85% effort

Assault Bike x 60 seconds, inhale in and out through mouth @ 90-95% effort

Assault Bike x 60 seconds, inhale through nose, exhale through mouth @ 80-85% effort

Assault Bike x 60 seconds nasal breathing only @70-75% effort

*The intention of this warm-up is to get moving, while learning to use your breathing to ramp-up and ramp-down your intensity

Two sets of:

Foam Roller Sprinter Hold x 15 seconds per side

Long Lunge Press Up x 5 reps, 3 second hold on each




Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

Against a 7-minute running clock…

400 Meter Run

15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)

400 Meter Run

Max Calories of Assault Bike

Rest 3 minutes, and repeat for a total of four (4) sets. Note the number of calories in each round and then sum them for your overall score.

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