May’s extraordinary athlete is David Savage. Most of you have met David at some point in time (he comes to class at lots of different times)… or you have seen his back as he runs past you and disappears into the distance. David is tall and lithe and came to us for very different reasons than most people. Having been a life long runner David felt the time was right to put some muscle on his frame. That’s right, someone’s journey to extraordinary started with them wanting to gain weight!
Since David started CrossFit he has become much stronger and as an additional benefit much faster! A lot of people don’t know that CrossFit can make you a faster runner, but when you are stronger you will also be much faster. David has taken on the nutrition part of what we do here at Odyssey. More protein results in better muscle growth…when we eat more and when we eat better good things happen. Remember…80% or your results in the gym are directly related to one room of the house…the kitchen!
David also entered the CrossFit Games Open this year. He finished every workout except for one (he was out of town on business) with a bang! He even brought his wife, Claire, in as well but we haven’t got her drinking the kool-aid yet! I’m sure he will keep on working on her though!
Join me in Congratulating David Savage on his amazing Journey to Extraordinary! Keep those Gainz coming David!