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Sunday Story…CVO

Sunday Storyโ€ฆCVO

You are the CVO of your life. The Chief Visionary Officer. Your life is all about youโ€ฆitโ€™s your story, your movie. You get to be the producer, director and the star of Your movie. It really is all about you.

A few years ago in one of my stories I recounted something that happened in my life. I t was significant and had far reaching implication on My life. My mother, who read this religiously (Hi Mom!), called and said, โ€œyou know, I donโ€™t remember anything like that at all.โ€ Of course not, it was My life; I am the star so it impacted me.

Your life, today, looks the way it looks because you have designed it that way. You might not have done it intentionally. You might not have meticulously planned it out. It may appear to be random and haphazard but, in fact, you have created it to look the way it looks. It wasnโ€™t your parents (although they had some influence); it wasnโ€™t your kids or your spouse. It was you.

It is time to take some responsibility for that. It is time to take a look and decide if you are envisioning the life you are leading. If not, why not? What needs to change? What can you do to move closer to your vision? How are you doing your visioning?

It is helpful to move out of the wishful thinking in your head and into a more concrete medium. Make a vision board. Write a vision statement. These are not hard things to doโ€ฆbut you will need to sit down and spend a few minutes (hours) working on it. You need to look down and define your values and desires and put them into a concrete form. Then you will need to spend some time making that vision a reality. You have to do some work. You canโ€™t win the lottery if you donโ€™t buy a ticket.

Once my vision is set up I can begin to chip away at the work to get there. I can ask myself if what I am doing is in service to my vision. If your vision is to get into your skinny shirt (?!) how is that glass of wine going to help get there? Itโ€™s a simple questionโ€ฆis what you are doing right now, moving you closer or further from your vision? Answer the question and move on.

Youโ€ฆthe Chief Visionary Officer of Your Life. Go get it in all the Technicolor wonderfulness you can imagine. If you shoot for the stars you just might hit the moon!

John Mariotti

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