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Sunday Story…The One Right True

Sunday Storyโ€ฆThe One Right True

Answer. We all want to find itโ€ฆthe magic pill, the book that will give us all the answers, the one exercise that gives us abs, the perfect diet, the one conversation that will have our kids โ€œgetโ€ it.

But there isnโ€™t one right true answer. There are plenty of wrong answers, however.
There are lots of answers and some of them are right. But the right answer is not exclusive, in other words, there may be more than one right answer. The right answer works, itโ€˜s useful and generous.
There are lots of wrong answers as well. They donโ€™t work, are selfish and short sighted. Wrong answers are clearly expensive, defective, and have a list of bad side effects.

We want to avoid the wrong answers. But we donโ€™t want to miss the right answer because we are looking for the one right true one. Pick a right answer, let it play out and if it isnโ€™t a good fit, pick again.

John Mariotti

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