CrossFit Odyssey – CrossFit
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Meeting ID: 621 002 4813
Joints/Tens (No Measure)
Ten of each:
pushups, Back Extensions (supermans), situps, air squats, pull-ups, CORONA At-Home Workouts – SUB LUNGES, BURPEES for Push Presses and Overhead Squats
Core #4 (No Measure)
3 sets of:
L-Sit Lifts on Box x 10/15/20 reps
Hand Plank Cross Knee-To-Elbow x 10 reps
Straight Body Crunch x 10/15/20 reps
Straddle Lifts on Box x 10/15/20 reps
Hand Plank Cross Knee-To-Elbow x 10 reps
Straight Body Crunch x 10/15/20 reps
Rest as needed
Warm-up (No Measure)
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per side
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Four Tabata Sets Each of:
Bear Crawl
Donkey Kicks
Broad Jumps
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Every 6 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets) for times:
500 Meter Row
15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs) OR KB DL
50 Double-Unders OR 15/10 Calorie Bike
Note times for each set, then total them, aiming for the lowest possible working time across the five sets