Cash In: 3 x 200 on the 2:30
Cash Out: 3×20 monkey hang from bar
Three sets of:
- Kneeling Kettlebell Halos x 3-5 reps each direction
- Rest 45 seconds
- Overhead Squat x 6-8 reps
- Rest 45 seconds
- Dumbbell Renegade Rows x 5 reps
- Rest 45 seconds
Three rounds for time of:
- 15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or Seated DB Presses
- 20 Alternating Front Racked Reverse Lunges
Tabata…Eight sets of:
- 20 seconds of Hollow Rocks or Holds
- Rest 10 seconds
Five sets of:
- Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
- Rest 2 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
- 15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
- 20 Alternating Front Racked Reverse Lunges (135/95 lbs)
Eight sets of:
- 20 seconds of Hollow Rocks or Holds
- Rest 10 seconds